Hridya Chandra Singh Pradhan was born in 1972 B.C at
Maruhiti, Kathmandu. His childhood name was Chandra Prasad. He was white, lien
and dwarf. Early in the life he was caught by asthma at the age o f5years. One
day, Hridaya Chandra went to great poet Lekhanath poudel and requested the poet
to teach him to write poem. But, the great poet dominated him. He said “you
uneducated form Newar community with unclear pronunciation, how can you write
the poem? It is not easy to be a poet. You can’t be a poet.” The domination,
hate and degradation of poet Lekhanath pushed Hridaya to be a poet. He promised
to be a poet in future. In fact, he was not an academically qualified student.
His bad health condition compelled him to discontinue his school education. He
was from poor family he could not get the nutritious food too. He was a chronic
asthma diseased person usually with 102
®C fever and continuous coughing.
Instead of his worse health condition, he never defeated, he spent his all time
to add literal heritage in Nepali literature.

He is not only a poet; he is a dramatist essayist, a
successful criticizer of Nepali literature. He is also a progressive writer.
His writing pushes the people for patriotism, equality in society and social changes.
His writings are against the conservative tradition and domination in the
society, Simplicity, clarity, intellectuality, superiority of thought,
impressivity is character found in his literature. His some famous creativity
are Tis Rupiyako Note, Kehi Nepali Natak, Chheu Lager, jungleko Chita,
Maruvumiko Lekhak, Swasni Manchhe, Chhoro Sita, Bhanubhakta Ek Samikshya,
Napali Kabya Ra Usaka Pratinidhi Kabi. Next his important output is “Sabda
suddi Bichar” which teaches the Nepali to speak Nepali language correctly. It
is also answer to Lekhanath Poudel.

It is better to say Hridaya is the first literature to initiate
progressive current in Nepali literature. He provided fix roadmap to the
upcoming offspring by explaining theoretical and practical aspect of
progressive literature with his creative opinion. According to his opinion,
people’s literature should not only be simple, understandable by peasants,
illiterate and labors, it should not only for people; it should be for
upgrading the consciousness of them. Creation without the thought is a dead
body. But only the thought is not enough, the art is also essential, according
to Hridaya.

Such a progressive literature with chronic asthma could not
serve Nepali literature for a long period. During his life, he was caught by
T.B. He could get cooperation from no one. He had gone to prime minister;
Bishweshwor Prasad Koirala didn’t extend his hand for Pradhan’s worst
condition. On later, Pradhan successes to treat his disease in India but lost
his six ribs and one part of lung. So he was never a completely a healthy
person. He always struggled with disease, starvation, and lack but never tired
to write literature. He was so poor. During his treatment, the doctor suggested
him to have eggs daily but he could not success to fulfill his needs. His
poverty and continues struggle compelled the progressive literature Hridaya
Chandra Singh to sleep forever in the lap of god at the age of 44 years in 10
Magh, 2016 B.S.
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