When we talk about beauty, generally people take it as
physical thing or matter as if it were the matter of sight. We can see flowers
as beautiful. We can visualize the beautiful sky. So, we think that they are
just the matter of eye sight.
However, beauty is not only the matter of physically thing.
But also, it must consist of internal quality like the talent, the intellect,
the kind, the helpful, and other inner qualities. Especially, when we talk
about a person, there come both physical and internal aspects of beauty.
There is saying that we can’t judge a book by its cover. So,
we can say that when the beauty is concerned about lifeless thing, it is only
matter of sight and visibility but when we talk about beauty in human sense, it
should be both physical and internal. A person can be beautiful and attractive.
He can be pleasant personality. However if he doesn’t deserve the good
qualities like talent, intellect, love, kind, sympathy and fellow felling,
he/she becomes useless or valueless. His physical beauty can’t support of help
him. He/she become a person like empty tin, (Absence of inner quality). We love
to see a beautiful flower. But it is valueless if it doesn’t have smell. To be
one complete flower it should consists both physical and internal thing. So,
like this if we want to be good person. We should have both physical and
internal things as well.
Even, people are attracting by the outer beauty, most of
people appreciate that beauty which is natural or good in inner thing also.
They look so fresh and charming. A person should be beautiful in natural way.
Now a day, we can found many people who want to look beautiful by going to
beauty parlor and using some ointment, Cream, Powder. This may help them to
look beautiful and more attractive. But it’s for short time or short period. It
is not a permanent beauty. It is just skin-deep matter. So, one can’t get good
quality of beauty by using these things.
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